Boxi is the name of the protagonist in this entertaining collection of playful prints, paste-ups, murals, and paintings. While his name reflects this UK-based Argentine artist’s childhood nickname, Boxi’s image was inspired by a clay figurine from Tihuanaco, a pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia. The artist Boxi Trixi also counts among his influences Talmudic golem stories, and the Tibetan Book of the Dead. In his hands, Boxi becomes a kind of “everyman,” reacting to the human condition’s many challenges. Sometimes gleeful, sometimes apprehensive, Boxi is always engaging and colorful—reminding us that life is a many-hued journey.
If you are interested in purchasing any of Boxi Trixi’s artwork, please contact him directly at
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Be sure to click on the square thumbnail images to view the larger, complete images, and to read Boxi Trixi’s thoughts on his work and the various techniques he utilizes.