‘Boxi’ is what I call the figure that appears in most of my artwork. It’s related to the nickname my father gave me—Boxi Trixi (‘box of tricks’)—apparently because of my incessant need to investigate and create. Visually, he’s related to a clay figurine symbolizing the first human that my grandfather gave me as a child after he’d visited Bolivia’s ancient site of Tiahuanaco. For me, Boxi is like a golem figure or modern-day Frankenstein that I bring to life. After traveling for years as a street musician in South America and Europe, I returned to Buenos Aires in 2016, and threw myself into creating street art (a popular art form there). I continue to produce street art in the UK where I moved last year, but the level of appreciation isn’t quite the same. Whether made for sale or to enliven the streets, my artwork reflects how I see the human condition.