“SYRcle” is the title of the clothing collection Dalia Khaddam produced in Paris at the Istituto Marangoni, one of the world’s top fashion schools. Its composite name reflects the collection’s dual inspiration: the war in Syria and recycling. “SYRcle” honors the courage of countless Syrian refugees, many of whom lost their lives. Dalia’s innovative repurposing of utilitarian objects—like blankets and sleeping bags, the necessities of refugee life—also attests to the fashion industry’s growing interest in sustainability. Vogue Italia selected “SYRcle” for a specially produced virtual fashion show in 2020.
Click on the square thumbnails to view larger, full-sized images and to read SYRcle’s story as told by Dalia.
The Collection
About the models
All of the individuals modeling the outfits are Syrian refugees studying in Paris, thanks to the philanthropy of a Syrian businessman who helps young Syrians immigrate to France, and supports them during their studies. Yasmine, a childhood friend of mine and my muse for this collection, is studying political science. Hadi is majoring in architecture. Rojda studies film, an industry she worked in as a child in Syria. Journalism is both Marah’s and Mahaa’s field of study.
All model photos by Ahlam Imaghri.
Creating the Collection & Accolades