Kenkeleba House Garden

Kenkeleba House Garden is exclusively dedicated to African American artists, and other artists of color who are frequently ignored by the mainstream establishment and galleries. Their works are powerfully rooted in this space, a proof that art and creativity are the inherent right of all. There’s a message in this garden, each figure standing isolated. A rusted battleship catches my eye. My father created a similar one on one of his sea travels. Did the sculptor and my father share similar experiences?

214 E. 2nd Street, between Avenues B & C

Left: Uzukee Nelson, Bobo. The Flying Man, 1992 (steel, stained glass); Right: Helen Evans Ramsaran, Sanctuary Group, 1993 (bronze with white patina)

Linus Coraggio, Tall, dapper Derby man who holds the key, 1994 (welded steel and cast iron)

Linus Coraggio, Vietnam Chopper, 1994 (found materials)

Artis Lane, Amistad, 1998 (bronze with black patina)


Liz Christy Community Garden


Campos Community Garden