A Woman’s Work Is Never Done
Printed & embroidered textile with old sewing machine, 80 x 40 x 20 cm, Private Collection
We are being careful not to make anymore washing than we can help but I have washed each Tuesday so as not to get overfaced. I tried Naphtha dry soap for Willie’s overalls so used it for the lot. I am not in a hurry to use it again as it made such holes in my fingers.
The Lightfoot Letters describe the hard life that Mother Ada endured. She gave birth to seven children, one of whom, baby Peter, sadly died at 17 hours old. She was in poor health when she wrote the letters to her daughter Frances. Some of the pains she suffered, whilst attempting to bring up her family and keep them clean and clothed, are hard to imagine for us today
This work pays homage to the domestic drudgery of working class women at that time.