Anus (2022)

Steel, 96 x 94 x 60 cm, 1,000 USD

I experiment while working. Especially with sculpture, it’s very satisfying. I found some curvy metal sticks. These curves inspired me to create a hole. To be honest, I don’t know why I wanted to make a hole. But with intuition and instinct, I started shaping metal sticks and welding them together. I wanted to create a vision of the inside of a hole. It’s a human tendency to name forms according to what they resemble. To observe and liken it to an object. I decided my sculpture is a human hole, an anus. My artwork doesn’t actually look like an anus. But that’s the feeling it gave me. The fact that it doesn’t look exactly like reality is irrelevant. This is my approach to sculpture.


Back to Essence (2022)


Being in the Moment (2021)