Robert Landy’s paired photographs are an intriguing meditation on photography and masks. Do they conceal or reveal—or do both simultaneously? Robert juxtaposes black and white photos he took in the 1970s using his twin-lens Rolleiflex camera with color photos taken recently on his iPhone. Everyone in his photos wears a classical comedy or tragedy mask that Robert made on his own face. Although most photos are of others, they prompt Robert to muse about his own identity and mortality. (He admits they sometimes become mirrors he would prefer not to confront.) Robert’s journey is a highly personal one. Along the way, you’ll meet miserly Uncle Harry, past loves, and Robert’s children as he resurrects long-gone relatives and friends, and celebrates parenthood and enduring friendships.

–Walter L. Meyer, AWB Founder

If you are interested in purchasing any of Robert’s photographs, please contact him directly at: