Letter To You
Acrylic on aluminum, wood block, beeswax & tracing paper photo print on paper. 40 x 30 cm, Artist’s Collection
I am writing you a grief letter while my hands are shaking
This piece laid the foundation for the ‘Grief Letter’ project—an ongoing, community-based project where people can share their personal experience of loss and grief in a letter. My 2020 solo exhibition Vanishing Point at the Crypt Gallery, London, gave me the opportunity to share my story about experiencing loss. I also looked at how boxed up and alienated grief is by society. This empowered me to reach out to others who want to have an open conversation about loss. The ‘Grief Letter’ project is now fully underway, and traveling around the world, reaching South Africa, Japan, and Australia. I am responding to each letter creatively through different mediums. To take part in this project, please request your free pack here.