Worlds Apart
Tea-wash, watercolour & black ink on wasli paper, 24.2 x 29 cm, 650 USD
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Worlds Apart draws attention to the two totally opposite worlds we call home. The world above the stream is lively and beautiful, while the other part of the world is ignored, unacknowledged. One is happy—beauty and peace prevail—while the other is sad and lonely. The top part shows the life enjoyed by most of us, while the bottom shows a lifeless tree with little greenery (life) left around it. A lonely, melancholy bird nests below it. Red flowers try to spread cheer. But again, they’re the colour of blood. Clouds with nesting hoopoe birds depict the heavens. Feathers fall from an empty nest as if to represent a lifeless body or blood droplets. A hoopoe sits close by, but is unable to help.