Caterina Cornaro
Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm, Private Collection
This is a replica of the portrait of Caterina Conaro—the last Queen of the Kingdom of Cyprus—painted in 1542 by Venetian Renaissance artist Titziano (Titian). She has always intrigued me both as a great contributor to Cypriot history and to Renaissance art. Painting her portrait was like giving her life again.
Curator’s Note: Cyprus’ complex history includes being ruled by the Byzantines, Lusignans, Venetians, Ottomans, and British. The Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus that Caterina ruled was actually the last Crusader state before it was annexed to Venice. Interestingly, Caterina herself was Venetian, coming from a long line of Doges, the highest role of Venetian authority.