Dilek Degerli, Turkey
I am a poet as well as a painter. But to be honest, writing tires me out. Painting, on the other hand, transports me to a more compassionate planet. It’s a form of meditation or therapy. I begin to paint spontaneously. Then the magic of color, line, and form takes over. While I find myself using curves over and over, color is the main element. I choose colors based on how they harmonize with each other. But color can also be expressive. Blue, for example, is an emotional color. Red next to black suggests struggle and horror. Red beside yellow is warm and joyful. But a color’s meaning can change over time. My architectural education helps me compose space. Sometimes the medium I choose is simply what’s at hand. But it can also be a deliberate decision. If I want to paint with greater sensitivity, I prefer oil. When I don’t have a lot of time, I use gouache or acrylic because they dry quickly, and the brushes are easier to wash. Painting is as necessary for me as breathing.
Self-portrait, ink on paper